Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Over the years since we started researching a life outside school in 2004 I have always tried to be more pro-home education than anti-school but just recently I am once again wondering why we are considered the weird ones - From the news recently - moaning about all this is quite normal - being the change you want to see - well, that's just downright strange!

Obviously I don't want to criticise teachers - the majority of  whom are already overworked and unpaid and coping with a broken system that is overly reliant on testing.

 I am more concerned for children who have one childhood - they do not have a voice

This is my place to link to articles so that when people say it is Home Educated children that need safeguarding I have a list to show maybe they have a rose tinted view of the reality of safety in school. There are procedures in place that appear in many cases not to be working

From the BBC website today Abusive voicemail shocks Mum

Guardian - same paper that has been pretty negative about Home Ed recently today published this about the decline in mental health and this about the dangers of off rolling leading to gang grooming

More and more revelations emerging about historic sex abuse at Christs Hospital

Girl age 13 commits suicide after being bullied at school

Boy 11 driven to suicide by school bullies

Almost two-thirds of children worry 'all the time'

Deputy head Jonathan Norbury banned for sex with teens

Teacher shortage getting worse, say MPs

Number of teachers reported for inappropriate contact with pupils is soaring as one targets a six-year-old

Crumbling schools in England need more than £6billion just to bring them into 'satisfactory condition'

A compilation of Pumpkins

Looking back on ten years plus of home education as Halloween approaches I realise that pumpkins are probably one of the best reflection...