O loves to build with Lego - Over the past year he has bought his interests in Mario, Roblox and Undertale to life with Lego. I am piece finder hence my nickname of Lego Ninja. We have a log cabin with over 40kgs of Lego collected over a decade to help facilitate this.
We love Legoland and generally aim to visit twice a year using the home educators discount, we have also been to Lego Mania at Milestones Museum at least once a year every year since 2011!!
The death star in the log cabin where all our lego lives - A lego base and our cats!
Some lime green creations O made Summer 2017
During a sort out of the crates
One of E's more recent solider and star wars set ups
The roblox man in his crown and two knives from the Roblox game Assasin as imagined by O
Lego land Summer 2017 visit
O makes Bowsers Koopalings from Mario as Mini figures
Some minecraft weapons O made
Lego Mania at Milestones 2017
Inspired by Minecraft and Minecraft lego O made a roller coaster